Just a Bit of Sunshine

Hello Readers!

Negativity is something I see on a daily basis. My newsfeed is full of girls who wish they were skinnier, smarter and stronger. My tumblr dashboard has picture after picture of people who are wishing to be something they’re not. Society tells us to “be ourselves” while simultaneously shoving pictures of how we should be down our throats. I don’t know about you, but I feel like there’s something seriously wrong here.

At the end of the day, you can’t be someone else. You may try to be perfect and try to live someone else’s life, but you really can’t. So what are some things we can do to help love ourselves?

1. Know Who You Are.

Take some time to think about who you are a person. What are your likes and dislikes? What are your goals? What do you who am Iwant to be when you grow up? Knowing and accepting who you are is the first and fundamental step to surviving negativity.

2. Choose Your Friends Wisely.

The 5 people you are closest to shape who are as a person. Who do you spend the most time with? Are these people who are in it for the nitty gritty or just cruising their way through? You need positive supportive friends and good role models in your life. The girls ditching maths to go get their nails done probably aren’t the best choice of friends.

3. Don’t Let People Label You.

My biggest fear during high school was being labelled. “Fat,” “annoying” or “stupid.” I wanted everyone to love me and want to be my friend, like they did in all the TV shows. The sooner you realise not everyone will like you, the easier it’ll become to be yourself. People will always have something negative to say about you. It could be the way you do your hair, who you’re dating or even how you get to school. The key is to know who you are and ignore the labels people try to stick on you.

4. Let Go Of The Past.

It is OKAY to make mistakes. It is OKAY to cry. But it is also OKAY to be happy. You can’t change your past. And while it still hurts, you don’t have to feel regret, anxiety or pain about what has happened. What’s done is done and not a thing you say or do can change that. Rather than regretting your mistakes, use them as lessons for the future and testimonies to others. Let go of the past and embrace the good future that’s heading your way.

5. Love Others.

To have a friend is to be a friend. Don’t just say you love someone, show it to them everyday. Make the people around you love loudfeel accepted and loved. The most attractive thing about someone is security in who you are. By being yourself, you give people around you permission to be themselves, and that is an attractive thing.

6. There is a Bigger Love.

Loving yourself is good. Being accepted is good. But there is a love that is higher, stronger and bigger than ANY earthly love. As humans, we are most easily controlled by our feelings, which can change like the wind. Don’t let your feelings affect the facts. You are loved. You are wanted. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Dueteronomy 31:6.

Positivity is hard to come by, but that doesn’t mean it’s lost. Don’t wait for the positivty to come into your life. Take the initiative and be the positivity.

Until next time xx

