Back to Uni Checklist

Hi Ya’ll,

Yesterday I wrote a post on what to expect when you’re starting at university for the first time. This post is relevant to all university goers; first year or last year. Here are a couple of things I think are essential to being prepared for a great year at university.

1. Laptop

Honestly, I don’t know what I would’ve done without my laptop in the second semester. In first, I relied on using the computers at home or uni and it was terrible. It was so much easier to uni macbookhave a laptop there that I could just work on assignments with whenever and wherever. And also check facebook.

2. Pens

I colour code everything so multicoloured pens, highlighters and sticky notes are ALWAYS a must for me, but a definite MUST for someone who only wants to carry light is a bunch of pens. Especially in subjects where you write a lot, pens go missing all the time. You’ll start off with 20 and come home with 1. It’s the circle of pens. Don’t be the guy asking for pens, the dirty looks you’ll get will scar your soul.

3. Notepad

Even worse than asking for a pen is asking for a scrap of paper to write notes on. My preference is to have at least 1 note takingnotebook per subject. I’ve done the “5 subjects in 1” notebook, and I found it was so heavy and hard to carry around that I didn’t end up using it at all. However, if you don’t want to carry 1 big heavy notebook or even 4 small, little notebooks, at least make sure you have some sort of paper to write on. Sure, a laptop is great, but not too great to draw diagrams on or work on with teams. Pen and paper is the way to go.

4. Girly Things

Now ladies, I’m not talking about *whispers* time of the months things. I’m talking about hair ties, deodorant, roll on perfume and at least 2 bobby pins. In my experience, these are the things people ask for most (except the perfume, that’s to make sure you’re always smelling on point.) Why at least 2 bobby pins? Well one is your emergency in case you need one, and one is for someone else when they need one.

5. Waterbottle

Nobody wants to pay $3 for water.

6. A good snack

You never know when you’ll need that afternoon pick me up. A nice snack like an apple or a tub of strawberries will beat that expensive food from that expensive cafes anyday!

7. A good handbag to carry it all in

A good handbag is not only big, but also sturdy. It has to be able to hold all these things and withstand sun, rain and heavy textbooks. Don’t pick a cute, small handbag, because I guarantee you won’t fit everything handbaginto it.

Whether it’s your first year, second year or seventh year, I wish you all the best with your university endeavours this year. Let me know in the comments on, my facebook page what you think. Alternatively you can shoot me an email at to ask me any questions, queries or concerns.

Lots of love,



Tips to Expect at University

Hello friend! Maybe you’ve wandered here in a complete panic about being a first year. Or maybe you’re thinking you’ve got this first year at uni thing down packed. Well, my dear one, regardless if you are completely petrified at the thought of being in a new place or feeling like you’ve got this, here are __ things you can expect when you start Uni.

1. You will have a lot of freedom. 

Sick of being kept in classes you hate? Well this is the place for you. Unless something is assessable, you don’t have to go! Don’t wanna sit in a lecture for 3 hours? Get up and leave! Which brings me to my next point…

2. Don’t ask to leave.

You’re not in highschool anymore. Not only do the lecturers care if you attend or not, they really don’t care if you leave. Same goes with tutorials. If you need to go to the bathroom, get up and leave. Nobody will ask where you’re going or if you’re coming back. Just go. Chances are, if you ask, you’ll get weird looks. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life, girlfriend.

3. You probably won’t make friends in the first week.

And that’s totally OK. Chill, sit back and observe. In uni, you want to be friends with the people who are serious about their degree, because you did choose to be there. In the flurry of figuring out your campus, classes and lecturers, the last thing you want is to be too hasty to make friends and end up partying every night and then failing your degree. Trust me, it happens.

4. You’ll get lost.

Depending on how big your campus is, you’re bound to get lost and that’s ok. What I found helpful was finding all my rooms in my Orientation Week and then it was easier in first week.

5. Buy lots and lots of pens. 

I dunno how, but somehow Uni gobbles up students pens. I’ll have 10 million one day and then come home and find I’ll need more because I lost them all. Where did I lose them? Gosh, I wish I knew!

6. Don’t stress.

You’re going to do great 🙂 It’s completely normal to be stressed or anxious before going into a new environment. Feel free to pop me a fb message if you’re feeling super duper anxious or just want to have a chat about being a first year at university. I’ve been there, and I know the feels.

Smile 😀 xoxo


Superheroes the script