Exams, Changing Degrees and Rain.

So today isn’t really going to be a deep post. It might not even have a point. And if you don’t really like those kind of posts from me, feel free to click that little red ‘x’ in the left hand corner (or right, if you’re using *ugh* windows).

So I woke up this morning full aware I had an exam this afternoon that I was not ready for. Why was I not ready? It’s quite simple really. I hated this subject. It was Australian Literature or otherwise known as the Most Boring Subject UQ Has. It was this subject that made me decide being a teacher was all wrong for me… Well that and other things.

After becoming a part of the Outreach Team at UQ (an amazing opportunity I would never change) I realised after working with grade 8’s and grade 9’s that being a teacher really wasn’t for me. I just didn’t understand kids and I realised I sucked at teaching anyone anything. I could no longer imagine myself teaching a classroom and feel happy about it. Let’s think about it for a second.  I don’t want to look back on my life and see that I spent 13 years of my life in school, and then 4 years in university, just to take another 10-20 years back in school. To all the teachers out there, I don’t know how you do it. I truly admire and respect you, after only doing one year in this teaching degree. And because of this, I’ve decided to change to a Bachelor of Business Management, majoring in Marketing….

Another interesting thing that happened today… It rained. Not just a little bit, it rained a lot. I had an umbrella and I was still drenched and walking in ankle deep water.

That’s a bit of a catch up on what I’ve been up to, but now that I’m on holidays, I’ve got a whole bunch of posts planned…

Over and Out xoxo


4 Ways to Find a Toxic Friendship

Hey friends,

a good friend isI like to think of us as just that – friends. People who can hang out together through the good times and the bad. A friendship that is a two way street – you are there for me, and I’ll be there for you 150% back. But sometimes, we find friends who abuse our love for them. We find ourselves wrapped up in a world of problems that aren’t our own, but we feel like we have to  solve them. We are in a war against a problem that we can’t win. And the worst part is, this is our “friend.” What can we do?

I would say there are a couple of ways to tell if your friendship is toxic and whether it’s time to cut it loose or give it another chance….

1. They only talk to you when they need something.

how to be happyI have a heart of compassion. The biggest problem with this is that I have a big problem with letting people’s problems go unsolved. Their problem used to become my problem. Key words here are “used to.” A toxic friend doesn’t really want to hang out or chat about you or the good things in life, they only talk when something is on their mind and they want someone else feeling sorry for them.

2. You’re easily replaced.

That friend recently gets a boyfriend? Be prepared to kiss your bestie bye-bye. While this may seem like something good, at the start, it really isn’t. Because guess who is going to hear about it once that boy takes the high road? Lucky little you.

3. If you don’t agree, you’re a monster. 

Maybe you want to give them a bit of advice, or point out the error in their ways. Nope. Sorry. Not happy to listen. A toxic friend only wants you to feel sorry for them. They don’t want your advice, if they don’t compeltely ignore it, you’ll be getting an earful of just how horrible of a friend you are.

4. They make you feel guilty over small things. 

You were at work so you couldn’t reply? “You could’ve left work early.” You’re out with friends? “Stop ignoring me.” You lion king“saw” their message, and didn’t reply. “I can’t believe I ever trusted you with my feelings.”

Believe it or not, these are actual responses I have received from my so-called-friends. Darling, let me tell you, you are not in charge of your friend’s feelings and you are not responsible for solving their problems. You are responsible for you, and they are responsible for themselves. Never, ever, let anybody make you feel guilty for not being there for them. Sometimes, your friends need to toughen up, grow up and realise that they have to help themselves. There’s nothing wrong with listening to someone, supporting and loving on them, but there is something wrong with taking that problem, making it your own and then getting blamed for not fixing it.

I hope you never feel like that. I hope you realise your true friends will accept you exactly as you are and love and support you exactly how you will do for them. I hope you realise you are beautiful and loved.


Anastasia cropped-endlesslove1.png