17 things I’ve learnt in 17 years

Amongst my many years, I’ve learnt a thing or two about life (who are we kidding, I’m an expert!) So I thought I’d impart to you some of my knowledge and hopefully you’ll learn a thing or two!

1. Sometimes life really isn’t fair, and that’s something you have to deal with. One day you’ll wake up and everything will suddenly be different. It’s inevitable. it gets better

2. Being in school is living the easy life. No responsibility, no adulthood… I miss it.

3. Not everyone is going to be nice to you, but that doesn’t mean you should be nasty. However, being nice doesn’t mean letting people push you around, or use you for all you’re worth.

4. Sometimes your friends will choose boys over you. Don’t be that friend.

5. Love is easy to feel, but can be hard to do. Sometimes you don’t want to love, but you have to, it’ll keep your heart pumping.

6. You’ll feel insecure. You’ll hurt about problems that you never used to care about. Things will happen, and life is tough.

7. You’ll lose friends. They’ll love you when your life is good and ditch you when things get tough. Learn to be your own hero. Don’t rely on people.

8. Find your happy place and keep it safe. You’ll need it.

9. Sometimes you are the guilty one. Own up to it.

10. Don’t forget who you are to impress somebody. If they don’t like you as you are, they aren’t worth your time.

11. Let your friends help you. Go out to coffee with them, let them love you.

12. Eat that cookie. Yes, you might feel like you failed your dieting plan, but one cookie won’t change anything.

13. Saying something negative about someone will always come back to bite you. Watch your tongue.

14. It’s not racist to say something about someone who is black. It is if it’s because they are black.

15. Order your Vanilla Chai Skinny Latte. Who cares if you get called a white girl? Own it!

16. You control your own happiness. Choose to be happy. Don’t let the little things cloud your head.

17. The Creator of all things good calls me daughter, and that is more than enough. audreyh