I Ate Before I Came

I don’t know the first time I felt unbeautiful, the day I chose not to eat.

We see it everywhere. Everyday people all over the world face eating disorders. It’s all over the TV shows. From Blair Waldorf to Hanna Marin. Everyday people choosing not to eat. But why? 

zeroThese disorders can be brought about by anything, scrutiny from friends, family or even just from yourself. The one thing people don’t understand is that it often isn’t something that people can really understand, even the sufferers themselves. 

It’s almost as if you’re trying so hard to do your best, be comfortable with how you look and then suddenly you see yourself, in a photo, in the mirror or someone says it.. and you realise you’re not as pretty as you may have thought. 

Many sufferers of eating disorders know that it’s not ok. But they don’t know how to change. And I know that many of you may have come here for the answers, but I don’t have them. 

thumbI just need you to know that you’ll be okay, together we can make it through another day – Superchick. 

I don’t wanna do anything but cry when I hear the stories of my friends of how they’ve battled their disorders. One girl told me it was like she couldn’t stand the thought of people looking at her and thinking “Wow, look at how fat she is.”

Fat. I hate that word. What is fat? It’s something you need, it keeps you alive. The body shaming culture we lives in causes people to shame and feel ashamed of what they look like and I hate that. It’s a culture that needs to go. No one, and I mean NO ONE, has a right to tell you what you can and can’t look like. They’ll say they’re doing it for your own good. But don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not good enough. Don’t let anyone make you feel uncomfortable in your own skin. ❤ 

This one clip in this movie, Cyberbully, gets me every single time. 

I can’t even begin to imagine the amount of pain that girls who suffer from eating disorders sided with bullying go through. It breaks my heart that this happens all over the world. Young people all over the world get pushed to their limit, to the point where they don’t see the point of breathing or eating or talking. 

it gets better

I don’t know how many of you reading this have had an eating disorder or a friend who has suffered from one. I just wanted you to know that there is hope. There’s a light on the other side of the tunnel. I know, sometimes it feels like the whole world is against you, and I’m not trying to belittle that. Your feelings exist, they matter and they’re valid. But, it gets better and there are people who are always there for you, myself included, even when it feels like you are all alone in the world. 

Stay beautiful,

Anastasia xo


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