The Life in Words

Hello Readers!

Firstly, I’d like to give a HUGE apology for not writing a post sooner. I’ve been a little slack with university starting… hopefully I’ll be writing a lot more frequently now.

WordsTonight I want to start you off with a thought – how often do you think about words? Throughout all nations, no matter what background or nationality, words are something that are constantly taught. We learn to say them since before we can remember by listening to our parents. We learn to read them by going over Dr. Suess books in grade 1. We learn to write them by practicing dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s all through English. It’s something we will never stop teaching – the ability to speak. Speaking becomes a part of us. We almost can’t imagine a world where no one talks.

The problem with our generation is that we haven’t been taught to speak words of life.

We have forgotten how impacting our words are on our lives and the lives around us. Who here is guilty of what I like to call “bad-day-ism?” It’s a little term I made up that means we set our whole day up as bad based on one or two unfortunate circumstances. Yep. Guilty. We may think we are just “having a bad day” but eventually that bad day becomes a bad week, a bad month, a bad life. We say things like “today sucks,” or “I hate going to school” before it’s even hit 9 o’clock! I don’t know about you, but I feel like that’s setting you up for a bad day.

right wordsWhile we may not realise it, words have the power to shape our world. Your emotions control your thoughts, your thoughts control your speech and your speech controls your actions. How you react to a situation is based on what you speak about it. Instead of saying “Oh golly gosh, I missed the bus. Today is the. WORST. DAY. EVER.” we should be thinking (and thus speaking) “well this isn’t ideal, but it’s not the end of the world.”

Now I’m not saying there is necessarily someone to blame for this. Society in general is set on blaming people left and right for their mistakes. We are almost taught to believe that if the day isn’t perfect it’s a bad day.

The power of words doesn’t only apply to your day though. The things you say about yourself is what you’ll believe. Seriously, if you’re calling yourself ugly and fat, you will never view yourself as beautiful and perfect, no matter how many people tell you that you are. If you say you’re a failure, you set yourself up to fail.

Matthew 15:18 says But the words you speak come from the heart—that’s what defiles you. Our heart is essentially the things we believe. Words can speak life into our everyday lives or they can defile us.

Words aren’t something that should be taken lightly. Next time you think you’re having a bad day, think about the things you’re saying. What can you change in your words to change your day? Maybe instead of thinking negatively, go out of your way a little to make someone else’s day. Just a smile is appreciated. 🙂

Have a lovely weekend my lovely readers. Looking forward to getting back into the lingo of things. Please share this post if you enjoyed it and like the facebook page for future updates!

xx Anastasia


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