“Broken” is the new “Black?”

Hey Readers!

This week, I was scrolling through facebook and stumbling onto something that, all at once, broke my heart and made me fume… it’s making me angry just thinking about it.

suicidal people

Okay, I’m sorry, but what? In what sense is this okay? This, my lovelies, is what is known as “romanticising” or “glorifying” self harm, eating disorders and suicide. This basically means taking something that is not okay and turning it into something that is a-o-kay. And we wonder why so many of us put on a fake smile instead of talking to someone who can help us or make it a little bit better.

its not beautifulRomanticising self harm, eating disorders and suicide isn’t a uncommon as you may think. Almost everyday, posts about being “beautiful even with the scars” are sprawled along my newsfeed, like an accident waiting to happen. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing necessarily wrong with that. The problem begins when we begin to see these things as “okay” because society is making it “beautiful.”

Let me tell you straight up. Suicide doesn’t decrease the chances of things getting worse, it eliminates the chances of things getting better. I’ll never deny I’m a sucker for romance, but I’ll never allow that to be at a cost.

The levels of self harm, eating disorders and suicide are continuing to rise. The blissful ignorance we enjoyed in primary school has clearly been lost. As teenagers, we are led by our emotions. We get hurt, we cry and we feel like nobody cares. We allow people to label us as “stupid,” “annoying” or “ugly.” We feel like we have no purpose. I know. I get that. We deal with so much drama and have enough problems as it is. We don’t need to be broken to be beautiful. We all have all been hurt, but we also have hurt others. Don’t forget who you really are because of the trials you face. You are BLESSED, CHOSEN, ADOPTED, ACCEPTED, REDEEMED and FORGIVEN. Don’t forget that.

John 10:10 says The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full (NIV). Our generation is facing destruction. There are so many temptations around us, calling us to be things we aren’t and whispering that we aren’t good enough. But those things aren’t from God. Jesus came to give life, and to give it to the full. Not just an average, ordinary life. A full, joyful, happy life. We can’t allow things such a romanticised self harm into our world because that’s not living life to the full. Whatever hurt you’ve gone through, I know that this isn’t the end. There is hope, life and light in Jesus.

Stay beautiful and until next time xox


you are blessed

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